Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wondering the wonders...

Have been having lots of idea of coming out with my own movies lately.
Some how, there have been lots of weird ideas which I think its going to make a great movie (I think)

I am not sure where I'm going to start, but, I will try to sit down and start putting my brain and fingers to work. Writing about the movie, is a great way to start, I guess...once it is done, am going to give it a go and send it to Hollywood.. haha. I need a Bold editor or someone who is good with Marketing skills to market and sell my Script.

A good book that eventually become a movie or a good movie that become a book? Anyway, learning from what I have notice...Book starts first... LORD OF THE RING, Narnia, Dan Brown and etc... so I've got to start writing first.

Okie...have taken my break to blog about this...gonna get back to work now.

till next time...

Have a pleasant Blogging Day~

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