Friday, April 24, 2009

I am back home again...HOME "HOT" HOME!

I am back in Malaysia...Just one word to describe this beautiful country of ours...HOT!
My goodness, i dun remember our country being this HOT before...everyday, it feels like there is this Watery, hot guy hugging me. I am sweating all the time. It's really really annoying! Argh~
Okie...I haven't got a place of my own yet, so no internet connection for now.
Thank God for Starbucks~ man, Wi-Fi is just amazing! hehe

Got to talk about 2 things I am really really into right now,
firstly, its my new toy that i've just got! My New pHONE! mR. Experia X1.
I have been looking round for quite some time now...finally, after long consideration, between iPhone, HTC and X1, i finally, decided to grab this...needed a PDA phone, needed a smart yeah, this is best I guess. Still tryin to get around with that phone though. *Wink*

Next, I found a new drink that I am really into... Dark Berry Mocha!
Starbucks not only provide internet, and the MOcha is awesome, try it give it a try!

Yeah~ place where I go online and drink I love~

Okie, right now, I am just enjoying my life here. Got to start working, taking my sweet time waiting for our Big Guy to lead me into this world to earn meself some BIG BUCKZ! Yeah~
I know nothing in LIFE is predictable, but my God has planned it all for me, all I've got to do is listen, wait and be patient.

Like I've said...pressing that "START" button on my console and starting a new journey~
Love it, and living it!



gabriel pui said...

oh yeah~~~
X1... nice choice...

★xi0m4r4★ said...

omg u copy cat hahahah! i thought u were so into HTC leh hahaha did u get silver or black? it's a bit laggy right?

hope all's well in malaysia

abel pui said...

Haha, wat to do, too many ppl using iPhone and HTC is known for being LAGGY and all...

El, use up the storage first, so that it will b less laggy. That's wat i did. hehe

Yeah, so far so good. getting use to it now. The weather is still killing me here. Sigh...HOT

**xi0m4r4** said...

storage is the memory stick is it?

thanks for the heads up!

Jeffrey Choong said...

Alright! So is back for good for you?

We still haven't got time to catch up yet. When when?