name: Titan
sex: boy
d.o.b: 7th April 2009
like: Sleep
dislike: Hot weather
Okay People, meet Titan, ma little baby boy.
This little kiddo of mine sure love to sleep.
Somehow, love to wake up 2-3 am early morning to disturb ma sleep...
But how can you get angry at such a cute, lovely puppy face rite? =)
Do come back sometimes...will be updating stories of this little baby.
till then...
to be continue...
Definitions of Ville: * Ville is the modern French word of Latin origin now meaning city or town, but the first meaning in the middle-ages was farm (from Latin villa rustica) and then village. The derivative suffix "-ville" is commonly used in English in names of cities, towns and villages. Me : A place where I called, HOME!